This game is not complicated at all and the objective is clear from the start, shoot bad guys. Virtua cop 2 takes gamers on a thrilling ride without overstaying its welcome. While many might argue that they wished the game was longer, it is great to see developers who prioritize quality over quantity. This is an option that wasn’t present in the first game. Players at some points in the game need to pick a route from two possible options. What the sequel has that the original didn’t is a branching path. Just like the previous title, Virtua Cop 2 has 3 arcade original levels with the players following an automated path. Two years later Virtua Cop: Elite Edition was released on the PlayStation 2 which features both the first and second games. In 2000, it made its way to the SEGA Dreamcast. SEGA is the publisher behind this game and it got a SEGA Saturn in 1996 with a PC release a year later. Developed and released in 1995, Virtua Cop 2 is an arcade light gun shooter.